There are waivers for many grounds of inadmissibility. For example if you have been removed, excluded, or out-of-status in the United States, you may require waivers of your grounds of inadmissibility in order to reenter the U.S. as either an immigrant or non-immigrant.
Our Commitment:
At Dagher Khraizat Law we help you determine if you are inadmissible and quality for a waiver to allow your reentry for purposes of living with relatives as a permanent resident, work, or visiting for pleasure. The process differs for each waiver and depends on your individual circumstances and we are ready to help guide you through the details.
Recently there has been an expansion in the unlawful presences waiver. The new I-601A provisional waiver waives the three and ten-year bars; the benefits of which are that immigrants wait for the approval of the waiver in the United States with their families. There is no issue of uncertain separation and the immigrant knows whether the waiver is granted or denied before leaving the United States.